
Wednesday, August 31, 2016


August 31, 2016

I took my time roaming today.  The first thing I saw,  I heard first.. Big rumbling. Someone showing off the rumble of an expensive car!  Sounded like a kid.  A gorgeous yellow Viper  (whatever that is.. I'll look it up..) roared down Glenoaks and passed me.  I appreciate hot cars, but laugh as loudly as I can when possible because it is obvious to me that the driver has ego issues and they are bolstered by having an expensive car.  Oh.. it's a Dodge! "The 2016 Dodge Viper is a hand crafted sports car focused on lifestyle & performance. Explore the V10 engine..." Starts at over $87,000!.  The point is that when folks spend that kind of dough on a car, they must have lots of it.  Jealous? Sure.  A little, I guess. The guy in the Viper was not a kid.. He was an old guy with a white beard and a cap who loved racing his engine and cruising.. He made a couple of quick reckless turns.  I thought that he might have seen me make a little tiny gesture as I passed him.  Two fingers. Not one.


The best thing I saw today was at the Los Feliz Costco. There is a woman employee there who is tall and thin with long dark hair.  She looks like she might be from the Eastern Bloc? Russian or Polish? Mostly she cruises the store straightening displays or sweeping up with a little broom and pan.  I sat in one of those big comfy chairs while I was waiting for my photos to be processed. I had full view of a  big bin with "53 inch Bears" in it.  However, the bear standing by the bin was easily seven feet tall!  It was made of that microfuzzy stuff that somewhat creeps me out. This bear was a BIG guy and if there was a price on him, I didn't see it.  As the Costco woman walked up the aisle, she stopped and literally threw herself into the arms of the bear and buried her face in his neck. For a moment there was complete trust and true love.  I wished that I had been ready with my camera.  She is about 5'10" tall and the bear towered over her.   She just gave herself to the hug.. completely.   

I liked that part. 


Driving back from errands in Burbank, I stopped and tried an experiment at the Disney Studio entrance on Alameda.   It was difficult to see the Seven Dwarfs/Caryatids  who stand holding up one of the main buildings, I was unable to get a great shot of .. I think.. Grumpy.  Then, on a dry erase board, I tried sketching the same view.  Did this three times, shooting photos of the sketch and erasing after taking each photo.  

My rendering skills are marginal (to be generous)..  but I liked the idea of the original artwork being so ephemeral and destroyed immediately after being made. 

What is art, anyway??

Grumpy..  What a guy.

The last day of August.. 2016
August 31, 2016

Tuesday, August 30, 2016


August 30, 2016

If we are lucky, we are passing fair in our lives.  Last night.. well, early this morning, I couldn't sleep. Finished the Dashiel Hammett "Red Harvest" which had nothing to do with Reds or Harvesting, but a strange mish mash of hard boiled chatter and crime and prohibition hooch ..  It's no "Maltese Falcon."  

I turned to writing on a dry erase board, photographing what I'd written and then erasing it.  Evaporation.

That reminded me of a film I'd seen at MoCA years ago of an artist doing some very fine brush rendering on a flat gray stone. It might have been street pavement.  As a portrait was completed, it began to evaporate.  Like the "Zen Art" kits I've seen in museum stores, 'painting' on a paper surface, rendering or writing, it all evaporates.   I wonder if one of my cardboard 'cubes' at the LAMAG would take water painting and then evaporate?  Too late now.. 

Evaporation is happening..  Entropy.  Time and tide and all that.    Gravity and time.  The death of Gene Wilder and the revelation that he was suffering from Alzheimer's disease speaks to how our lives change.  Too soon old and too late smart?  I think daily of my old pal, Rugg, more and more in the present at the age of 82 and counting. Missing our banter is with me daily.

I really need help with rearranging stuff at my home.  Finding a patient friend is now problematic as I had an impatient friend who has abandoned our connection and finding someone who can be trusted and cool becomes a challenge.  My memory retreats to a Hamlet soliloquy and energy to move forward grinds slowly.. slowly.. down.

This should be depressing.  However, like Pandora's releasing the woes of the world .. there's still a bit of hope..  Yes.. there's Hope and that is the answer right now.  Hope.  

Please direct all suggestions to:
directortv41at yahoo

August 30, 2016

Monday, August 29, 2016


August 29, 2016

I'll probably grouse about the solicitation calls again and again, if they strike at the same time I start this entry.  The guy selling 'free estimates' was incensed that I mentioned to him that a less invasive job might be at McDonald's.  After all, he's sitting in a boiler room with a computer dialing random numbers annoying the crap out of people.  Who deserves a break today?  I do!

The Open Call at the LAMAG will close in a couple of weeks.  The folks in charge have been really responsive to artists' needs and that's to their credit.  Trying to find a specific artist by name, however, is very problematic.  Better luck next time.  If there is one.  

Work to do and off to it.  Have you seen the Independent Shakespeare Company's The Tempest in Griffith Park? This is the last week.  Starts at 7PM on Wednesday through the weekend. 

August 29, 2016


Sunday, August 28, 2016


August 28, 2016
Into the bus and into the day.  Best not to share my impatient thoughts. 
august 28, 2016 

Sunday evening... all better..


For Samantha Newark!

Downtown Art District! Parking! Yeh, right..

 JR.. the French Fabuluist Artist is watching. 


Fifty feet by twenty feet ..

Sometimes dealing with folks in power is like dealing with this!

Shinique Smith's amazing stuffed stuff
The big big installations are spectacular.  I was not allowed to photograph a piece by Colorado Springs artist Senga Nengudi whose installation featured pantyhose stretched and filled with sand as well as powerful magnets.

Her work reminds me of Ed Kienholtz's brilliant stuff.  This particular piece drew me back more than one time. 

For anyone who truly appreciates contemporary art, this show is a must.  Closes very soon!  Parking is not much fun.  But, the scene is active and worth the effort. 

tired. michaelsheehan

Saturday, August 27, 2016


August 27, 2016

Today ..  The overcast casts a whole new light on this view.  The Shoe Factory is more visible and the outlines of the trees are patterns that are familiar, but  different. 

I saw photos today of a championship wrestler I knew in college, Lanny Bryant.  The man is still handsome and his wife is gorgeous.  Here's to good health as that old silver clock ticks on.

Stage review to follow.. but not right now.

August 27, 2016

Friday, August 26, 2016


August 26, 2016

Losing a life time hero.. dismissing a hero.. I imagine is like a divorce.  He had been divorced two times.  sad news.  Feeling terrible about dismissal is equal to the feeling of indifference from this old pal.  Damned if you go on. Damned if you just quit. 

I still don't know how to change this site to allow for followers and that's a little sad. I'd love to see who reads this stuff.  "Computer challenged" is an excuse that my old pal used for not doing email. The real reason is that some of us are into communicating and some are not.  It's a fool's errand to try to make others better at communication if they don't want to, or just can't.   

I need help.  Good communication is helpful.  To ignore or to be indifferent to others is not helpful and is, in its way, just mean. 

I'll probably continue to attempt to reach out a bit, but not so much as in the past.   

My day is often narrated by old time TV.  Seeing folks I've met or spent time with is a trip. Aneta Corsault plays Martin Milner's girlfriend on Adam 12.  She lived just off of Laurel Canyon, north of Ventura Blvd.  A very short story.  Chatting with Kent McCord for half an hour on the phone as he tried to convince me of his stand on some SAG business is another memory. The two of them in the same scene.   Kris Harmon, Mark Harmon's (!! edit, edit, edit..)  SISTER!! is a lovely woman who was a casting director for a while.  Drama ensued later. Always loved seeing her.  I also love seeing the old cars on this show.

A true friend of mine points up that we cannot change others.  True communication has to do with accord.  If we can't change one another, the best we can do is define common ground and find a way to meet there.  If other folks are not willing to do that, then, sadly..  Whatever direction we need to go, there we go.  I'm willing to meet with anyone, but am less likely to call the meeting these days.  I've tried to get my friend who has abandoned our friendship to tell me a specific time to make a call to talk.  "Any time" is not a specific time.  Our last call got me hung up on.  That speaks volumes.  Life goes on.  Ouch!

Yep.. sad days.  growing shorter.  

August 26, 2016


Thursday, August 25, 2016


August 25, 2016

I was on the phone for a long time last night fielding a call from a guy I used to idolize.  He was a championship wrestler in high school and was and is still my senior by two years.  It used to be a good thing to banter with this guy, but I have come to my senses about what friendship is about and 'divorced' that friendship through his wife via email.  Evidently, he thought that an old time chat would fix things.  He pleads ignorance about the computer and email, but still checks the Drudge Report.  That pretty much says it all.

It's pretty awful to divorce from this history.  He's an arch conservative, I guess. Or whatever being to the right of that is.  He really believes that the tangerine tide is best for our country and, when you truly believe that something is true, like those Westboro Baptists do, their take on being Christian being hateful instead of loving... when you truly believe something, then, for you, it must be true.  It's spooky and makes me sick.  Not physically sick, but queasy. Understanding that when someone really doesn't want to be in touch much and all the effort to reach out.. to retch out?  is on you, then, change is a mandate.   

I get more queasy thinking that the USA is more and more a fascist state.  We may be like the old couple sitting in their hot tub slowly being cooked to death?  It's insidious and unless someone has the power to turn off the flames, the fire may be coming.  

I guess I'm done with two friendships now and counting.  The friend I've wondered about in these past ramblings doesn't respond and I'm the one to dismiss my old Colorado pal.  Life goes on and then, it doesn't.
Sixteen cents.  Evidently, when I was lying on my bed 'chatting' with the guy in Colorado, sixteen cents rolled out of my pocket.  A penny, a nickel and a dime were stuck to my rear end when I got up this morning. Sixteen cents.

August 25, 2016

Wednesday, August 24, 2016


August 24, 2016 

At the meeting hosted by Representative Adam Schiff at the auditorium at the LA Zoo on Monday night regarding moves to curb gun violence, I listened intently as the three panelists, Rick Zbur of Equality California, actor/activist Jason George and Loren Lieb of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence  basically preached to the choir regarding how to find ways to discuss the issue with those who may fear restrictions on guns, guns, guns..  

The word "Guns" was used about 200 times before I lost count. Never one time was the word "bullet" uttered, though Ms Lieb, who had a personal connection to an attack by a crazy person with an automatic weapon, did use the term "ammunition" one time.

I tried like anything to insert the word 'bullet' into the mix, but Mr. Schiff ignored me.  And, the time for questions from the approximately one hundred, mostly over thirty or forty members of the audience was short, especially with lengthy responses from the panel.

An interesting thing that Mr. Schiff mentioned was an answer to the question he posed to a fellow Democrat from Oklahoma about the Second Amendment that has to do with a well regulated militia having the right to bear arms.  The Oklahoman said his constituents responded by saying  "Lexington and Concord!"  Of course, my comment on that would have been, "The American Revolution was fought with muskets!"  Had the founders imagined that technology would advance to the automatic weapons we have today, they probably would have expanded their definition of a 'well regulated militia'  and what 'arms' really means.

My contention will always be that anyone can have a gun. Especially a musket!  The ammunition, of course, is what makes the musket as well as the AK47 deadly.  Regulate and track the ammo as well as the guns!

So!  Regulating bullets and taxing the heck out of them is one way to begin to reduce the viloence.  Tobacco and Alcohol are both well regulated and taxed.  Why not the Firearms, ammunition and Explosives, too?

Of course, it's not that simple, but as the panelists iterated again and again, a calm and sincere dialogue is a way to at least get started.  I believe that discussing both guns AND ammunition should be what that discussion is about. 

August 24, 2016

Tuesday, August 23, 2016


August 23, 2016

Birthdays are being celebrated by the kids in my high school class.  Not everyone will be there. Some are distant, some are no longer living.  Life goes on.  Happy Birthday to yas all.

I am reminded of the birthdays I try to remember and some get celebrated.  And, my own.  For years, a favorite student of mine, Lily Heyen, would send me a birthday greeting and I'd be grateful.  Then, I learned of her cancer and later, the greetings stopped.  She was a very smart and kind young woman and an accomplished writer who, with her husband, adopted a son from the Eastern Bloc.  I can't rememer their names.  She was generous and right this minute I miss her all over again.  Life goes on.


The 99 Seat issue for small theaters in Los Angeles continues.  This is a bit redundant and maybe meddling, but it effects me because I have been a part of this situation for many years.  Now, as a theatre critic, having even one intimate theater shuttered because of the reckless actions of the very 'union' that is supposed to support and aid actors, the feckless AEA, there is a danger of some of these little guys being driven out of business.  This, to me, is wrong.  All the years I volunteered to work with the amazing Company Theatre and even paid the rent sometimes, it was for the Company and the work and the colleagues whom I had such faith in!   AEA members! Bolt! Do not let the tail wag the dog!  My proposal that LA actors, stage managers and producers form their own local alliance seems like an idea, at least.   Some of these folks are all the same people. That's what we had at The Company, anyway.  Be fair. Don't let the ranch be foreclosed on!  What was Trish Soodik's play? "Don't Sell the Ranch?"


My own art has been damaged in situ!  Ouch.. but.. it'll be fine.. I hope.

August 23, 2016

Monday, August 22, 2016


August 22, 2016

I am a nostalgic.  It rears its head from time to time and today, though I am not 100% sure today is really Connie Swanson's birthday, it's the date that comes to mind.  I met Connie in Disneyland and she helped spin me into an ethical dilemma that eventually worked itself out.  Happy Birthday, CJS. 

I wonder if in the future I read these posts if I'll remember the references that are, like this last one, so obscure.  What ethical dilemma, me?   Religion.. that one! Okay?


I was disappointed in the play I saw Saturday night. Evidently, it started out as a quick moving full length one act.  Unfortunately, it became a two act play: too long and moving slowly.

Dick Cavett: at the age of 33 in 1969 with Dr. Edward Teller (father of the hydrogen bomb) and philosopher Paul Weiss discuss ethics. The fascinating thing is how old Teller looks to me at his age of sixty and Weiss at "only" seventy.  Teller's Austrian accent adds power.  Weiss, the philospher, has a more subtle strength.  What a show that might be.  At the time Weiss had been dismissed from a university position for being too old! 

Teller lobbies for open sharing of information to make a better world.  Forty seven years ago! To see to giants of thinking discuss ethics is fascinating. 

Cavett tries to insert provocative questions.  Often he is overridden by his guests (as he was with Groucho the other day) and it's charming! 

Robocall Number two.. heart racing.. swearing at the robot's mistress! Arrrg. 

August 22, 2016


Sunday, August 21, 2016


August 21, 2016

This time of year usually means that as September rolls in, the really warm days roll with it.  There was a little autumn in the air today.  The changes in this view are so subtle and even a little boring. That's how they get us!  Bit by bit.  Tiny change by tiny change?

Seeing the artwork with friends yesterday was eye opening. There was a woman putting the spurs to a gathering of artists who want to make money with their artwork. A nice goal!  She was really loud!  Incomprehensible because I was not there to listen, but the assemblied bunch was rapt!  That they obscured a little the First Prize lego piece and a favorite photo of mine in the show was just the luck of the draw.  

A very apologetic young woman bumped into my big old table yesterday and broke part of it.  An embarrassed gallery attendant helped me try to put it back together.  Of course, my attitude attempts to be "it's just part of the art!"  but, I kind of like the symmetry that I've created.  When I came up with the fifteen letters that are the text side of the piece, I had in mind that the letters might spell out other things and that, hopefully, others would take time to work that out.  I failed to notice yesterday that some one had actually spelled something! 

 "Sure this love" works for me!  And, I didn't see it until this morning when saving the photos!

I think I need to make an 'instruction' sheet for the piece and encourage folks to play with it. There are secret aspects to it that no one will discover... unless, of course, they really explore the piece. 

Jill Bell's kanji is so crisp and clean.  Teaching my friend, Lucy, about Chinese language was fun. 

 The Braille is problematic in that the glue I used for some of the 'beebles' that are on the corners of each cube face is not working well.  I was recommended some terrific stuff e6000.  I neglected to notice that it takes 24 hours to set up, so some of my repairs yesterday didn't hold.  I really like how the ambient light in the gallery makes the lenses in the Braille itself change as one's relative position to the piece changes. The tiny spheres are lenses that refract the light and even images!  (Okay.. they're marbles.. )

The Fall Guy is back on TV!  My friend, David Somerville, co-wrote the theme song!  Oh!! Oh!! and, here's Guest Star Tommy Madden, my old racquetball pal, leaping into the side car of a BMW motorcycle..  and now.. Whoa!!  there's Michael Gregory, playing a tough guy with a shoulder holster. He's driving like a madman!   It looks like Tommy is doing his own stunts!  He was four feet tall and because of his close proximity to the ground, he beat me most of the time!  I miss racquetball with Tommy! Saw Michael Gregory a couple of days ago.  He's tougher than ever!  

What a nice surprise to inform my little rambling for today. 

August 21, 2016

yes.. I am still sad at the loss of my friend.  

Saturday, August 20, 2016


August 20, 2016

It will be Connie Swanson's birthday in a day or two..  as time's gone by, I have forgotten the date.. Is she a Virgo?  A tail end Leo?  Probably, the former.  Earth sign.  There's a story long ago.

I saw a thing today where a friend referred to "High functioning anxiety"!?  The exclamation and the question marks were included.  I can sort of relate to that, but have never put a label on it.  Why she does is for her own reasons.  I, in fact, have always seen her as present and kind and awake.  But, there's no feeling what someone else is feeling. "I know how you feel" can never be true. 

Being invisible has its advantages.  Observing a crowd or even a small gathering is a great way to have, at least, a notion about how others feel and function.  I had a great conversation with an old friend yesterday.  It may have spoiled it a little that I thanked him and complimented him on our mutual ability to have a 'back and forth' conversation.   It happens so seldom these days. 
I enjoy his company.

Conversely, I was in tears last night looking at a photo from last year with a dear, dear friend who is more distant now.  "Bickering" used to be the most fun for us.   Not much now. 

 But.. life goes on, eh Rugg?  Life goes on and then...  it doesn't.  The man is still a Titan!

It's okay to be invisible. The important folks and true will always find  you.  

August 20, 2016

Friday, August 19, 2016


August 19, 2016

The English language is odd.  I just noted that we double the 'ps' in hopping and skipping and poor little jumping is left to jump with only one 'p.'  Hmmm.
One leap of memory that popped up:  I was just reminded out of the blue that the reason I know about is because of the brave journey that Trish Soodik shared with us as she fought to stay alive.  She was such a bright spirit.  Loving her from the moment I saw her in The Company Theatre's "Emergence" and getting to know her a little over the years that I spent working with The Company, it was clear that her forte was in her writing.  Thanks, Trish, for the reference.  

I'd hoped to meet a friend to see the art at the LAMAG today, but have not heard from her.  So.. I'll not go today, but shall tomorrow to do some repairs on the installation and see how it's doing.  Reviewing a wild show at The Odyssey on Saturday, too.  

I've had an 'intuitive' friend interpret the Tarot reading that I did for myself a while back.  As a skeptic, it's interesting to see how this particular layout really does coincide with my current state of affairs.  A very important friend has pointed out that our egos largely get in the way of what's important in life, too.  Sweeping the cobwebs of illusion and ego out of the way isn't the easiest thing to do!  However, recognizing that illusion and ego are the issue is a good first step.  

Love One Another.  

August 19, 2016

Thursday, August 18, 2016


August 18, 2016

On Thursdays the giant trucks arrive with strains of big, big engines taking away the unwanted stuff of our lives.  The City of Glendale does this right.

This entry is called "Double Duty" because there is now the beginning of a petition drive to lobby the City to change the old 'flying saucer' "Lumineres" (that's what they call the actual lights on top of street lamp poles).  The second part is a little sad.

 In the 1970s someone in their wrong mind changed charming 1920s 'acorn top' light poles for these darned flying saucers (Lawnair) things.   Why 'modern' street lights seemed like a good idea is lost to the distant past, but recently, the City  replaced one of the old flying saucer tops with a much nicer looking lantern top (photos below).  It was a mistake! But, I don't think they will take it back now.  

Evidently, the City needs to examine things in committee that refers referrals and petitions and such to another committee where officials who have nothing to do with the neighborhood in question may come up with a ruling and a referral and a decision ... it takes time. The guy who gave me a basic primer on the way things work was nice.  All of the reasons that we may always be lumbered with the ugly Lawnairs may hold fast, but as each new Town and Country luminiere only costs $486.00 and with about 26 homes that would benefit, for ten of the old fashioned lumineres the cost per home is less than $200.00.  Of course, the City would probably absorb the installation costs but, if neighbors were into helping with the actual instruments, it might be a nice gesture. 

I'll be lobbying neighbors for their support to have new Town and Country or equally appropriate lumineres installed.  

Of course, if they had ten of these lantern tops on hand and spent one day cruising the neighborhood and changing them, it could be done.  I'm hoping that the neighbors will agree that a little aesthetic boost will be good for the neighborhood.

1970's Flying Saucer: "Lawnair"

Town and Country Lantern $486.00  


As I fade from a long standing friendship, I awaken each day asking my former friend to just discuss what the issue is.  If we are enjoined from expressing our genuine selves to people whom we love and care for and have come to trust, then it's not really a friendship.  I forgive my friend for being recalcitrant and mean.  Forgiveness is a good thing when the connection matters.  Of course, if we function as many people do, believing in only the black and white of an issue, then, that leaves little room for the gray area or for an apology (even if it may not be necessary).  I guess what I am most sorry for is feeling unappreciated for my contribution to any relationship that goes south.  

Yesterday, I decided to let a friend go.    To be the only one who makes an effort to be a pal is frustrating. Why I've persisted is probably because of something lacking in myself. A warped sense of loyalty.  The real irony is that this former friend will be indifferent to my dismissal.  "Hey..  it's your decision. Do what you want."  I have seen them release people and not really caring.  I cared about the friendship and still do, but, I'm no longer the one who keeps the ball in the air because one can bat a hundred balls into the air and if they are not returned in kind, that's just no fun. 

Happy Thursday!
August 18, 2016

Wednesday, August 17, 2016


August 17, 2016

My early education had little to do with much.  What an odd sentence.

But, my mom must have had other priorities or I was such a recalcitrant kid that she gave up on me.  I do remember about the income and the out go, though.  We paid our bills. Everything except one debt was paid off every month.  The ongoing bill was a mortgage, which I was never really taught much about,  But!!  dutifully rode my bike to the office where the debt was owed and with cash made a payment.  

This is on my mind today because I love it that more folks are reading these, my ramblings.  I leave the link on Facebook because I don't really want to share my daily thoughts just willy nilly.. and I'm wondering how to monetize my own writing here? Any ideas?


I've pissed and moaned about the following topic and am going to again.  Self importance and interruptions.  I had a friend who was a college professor (actually more than one professor friend) who was into lecturing.  That meant that there was no discussion. An 'interjection' was an INTERRUPTION! AND NOT ACCEPTABLE... Of course, a discussion or an actual conversation is an exchange.  That's a back and forth that turns on the central topic.  One of my professor friends actually confessed that they were only thinking about what they wanted to say next when another person was talking!  A big confession, but a true one.  They were self centered and unapologetic.   

I have known another PhD who really doesn't have discussions.  They lecture.  If one is smart, you just listen.. Heaven forfend that one would interject a question or an idea.  One must patiently listen and not try to ask a question or interject as they have the ability to seldom take a breath and your input really is not necessary. Thank you.

This all turns on seeing reports on Facebook and in real life where someone puts out an idea.  A natural thing, to me, would be to comment in such a way as to find out more about that idea. What I actually see is folks immediately making whatever the initial topic is about their experience.  I guess we all do it.  But, to me, what that does is to totally diminish the initial idea.  Takes the wind right out of their sails!  

Oh my..  I just realized that that metaphor really is from sailing! Of course.. And,  that I have actually experienced it on the water. When one sail boat gets between the wind and another boat sailing in the same direction, the first boat is literally left without power!  The wind has been stolen from the first boat's sails!  In a race, this is a smart move by the skipper of the second boat, to go 'up wind' but in a conversation, it's not nice.

Of course, my college professors feel as though an interjection :  an Interruption.. does that to their diatribe: steals their wind. So..  finding a way to interject and keep a conversation moving forward is a challenge.  

Asking questions should be a good thing.  

I guess it depends on the situation.  Some folks just have a need to be listened to and their inability to take a breath and allow for interjections may never happen.  If one just lectures on and on and then is upset when they finally come to the end and there really is no way to respond and the other person just goes off on another topic, that's probably natural?   If the lecture ends with a question... like  "What do you think?" That would include the lecturee who is now invited to participate.  What do you think?

And.. this all comes up because I am annoyed with  the folks who interrupt an on going chat in a social situation with no idea that it's rude or inconsiderate.  I suppose that we all do that from time to time because a social situation is usually pretty casual and superficial: social! Probably not the time for a more intimate discussion.  One should expect to be interrupted and make an appointment for later!?  hah.

I'm all over the map today? Evidently.  No apologies.. Bottom line?  Listen and learn.  Only interject when the other guy is capable of having a real discussion.  Only 'interrupt' when you have to go to the bathroom! Then, go! 

August 16, 2016