
Wednesday, March 9, 2016


March 9, 2016
I loved CLOUD ATLAS, directed by the Wachowskis and Tom Tykwer.  

This just in from ABC News: "The "Matrix" filmmaker formerly known as Andy Wachowski revealed she is transgender, and her name is Lilly. She made the announcement four years after her sister and filmmaking partner Lana Wachowski did the same."  

With the upcoming show at the Pasadena Playhouse, CASA VALENTINA, and Caitlyn Jenner's being a rather unconventional face of the TG world, it seems to me that it is, more than ever, a time for tolerance.  What we forget is that our limbic reactions to cultural changes usually overshadow our reasonable minds.  I'm recalling a line from the sixties musical, HAIR: 
"I would just like to say that it is my conviction
That longer hair and other flamboyant affectations
Of appearance are nothing more than the male's emergence from his drab camouflage into the gaudy plumage, Which is the birth right of his sex..."

Of course, these folks are not emerging males, but it still factors in... to me. 

Switching from male to female or vice versa may be a cause celeb, but I'm guessing that no one will ever really know what's going on with individuals who make these decisions.  I have a Hawaiian friend who knew from a very early age that 'she' was a girl.  She's now a successful designer and after years on the Mainland, is back in Hawaii and doing well as the woman she knew herself to be.  She comes from a rather large family and as luck would have it, one of her brothers emerged many years ago and has also undergone surgery successfully.  

"Oh, brave new world..." remarks Miranda, her face full of wonder.   Yes.  It's quite a world!

March 9, 2016

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